Two new cases of measles confirmed in State

One fatality as a result of measles since start of year following outbreak across Europe

The number of cases under investigation includes probable and possible cases of measles. Illustration: Paul Scott

The number of confirmed measles cases has risen to 11, up from nine last week, according to official figures from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre.

In addition to the 11 confirmed cases, there are 14 cases currently under investigation.

The number of cases under investigation includes probable and possible cases of measles. Probable and possible cases of measles have not been laboratory confirmed.

There has been one fatality as a result of measles since the start of the year, when a man in Mullingar, Co Westmeath, died last month having contracted the disease in Birmingham, England.


There are ongoing outbreaks in the UK and across mainland Europe, resulting in a heightened awareness of measles among clinicians in Ireland.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) has started rolling out a catch-up programme for the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine, in response to the rise in measles cases in Europe.

Levels of vaccination are below the 95 per cent threshold needed to ensure herd immunity against the disease.

The campaign focuses on delivering the MMR vaccine to more than 300,000 people in key at-risk groups, who may have missed their vaccines in the past, including children, young adults and healthcare workers.

Symptoms of measles vary and include a runny nose, sneezing and a cough, as well as sore red eyes, a temperature of 38 degrees or above and a rash initially in the head and neck area.

The two-dose vaccine for measles is normally given at 12 months and at age four to five, but the HSE has said babies travelling to areas with outbreaks can be vaccinated from six months. However, they still require another vaccine dose over the age of 12 months for continued protection.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter