Jessica Kelly’s ribeye steak with charred vegetables and chimichurri

Jessica Kelly’s ribeye steak with charred vegetables and chimichurri. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw
Serves: 2
Course: Dinner
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Prep Time: 1 hr


  • 10oz ribeye steak
  • 1 courgette
  • 2 long red peppers
  • Two vines of cherry tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • For the chimichurri:
  • 1 bunch flat leaf parsley, finely chopped
  • 1/4 bunch oregano, finely chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, very finely chopped
  • 2 whole red Serrano chilli, deseeded and chopped finely
  • 100ml red wine vinegar
  • 200ml extra virgin olive oil
  1. Allow enough time to prep the steak properly. This is an important step to ensure you get the maximum amount of flavour from your meat. I like to leave my steak out of the fridge for an hour before I cook or barbecue it. Then when ready, I oil the steak and give it a generous amount of sea salt on each side.
  2. Get the barbecue up to about 200 degrees and sear the steak on either side. Continue to flip every two minutes. For a 10oz ribeye, I flip three times.
  3. Remove the steak from the grill and rest for five minutes. Add another sprinkle of sea salt when you cut the meat.
  4. For the vegetables, slice courgettes and long red peppers lengthways and lightly oil them before putting them on the grill. Give them three to four minutes on each aside. Cherry tomatoes still on the vine are delicious on the barbecue – put them on an indirect corner of the grill, just cooking them enough so they blister.
  5. For the chimichurri, put the chopped herbs, garlic and chilli in a bowl. Stir in the oil and red wine vinegar, and add a pinch of salt. Coat the charred vegetables in the sauce.