
This ‘confused, self-aware PR stunt’ is a self-indulgent shambles


Smock Alley




It's tempting to leave the review at that one word, to put as little thought into it as Xnthony - the alter-ego of NCAD graduate Anthony Keigher - put into this 45 minutes of self-indulgent nonsense.

Perhaps that’s unfair. “When I was making this project, I did some research,” he exclaims, as if to impress. He got “a bit highbrow” and went to Wikipedia to answer the question: “What the f*ck is performance art?” And here he is on stage reading that definition to an audience who have mostly paid €13 each for the pleasure.

In his own words, this is a "confused, self-aware PR stunt". Stunt might be stretching it - more like shambles. If Xnthony "doesn't know if [he's] a performance artist", the opening night of a Dublin Fringe Festival show is not the place to figure it out.

Ends Sept 21