Kevin Nolan: Fredrick & the Golden Dawn

Fredrick & the Golden Dawn
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Artist: Kevin Nolan
Genre: Alternative
Label: Eire Supply

Some albums languish in the in-tray for too long, and for that we can only apologise. Fredrick & the Golden Dawn is one of them, but here it is, alive and kicking, exuding a healthy – if not rude – disdain for predictability. It is, however, a record of styles that may vary too wildly for some tastes. There's no doubting Nolan's ambition as he mixes gruff and declamatory Tom Waits/Nick Cave with softer instrumental interludes and a strain of theatrical musicality along the lines of Brecht/Weill/Lenya, as well as a rather odd but beautiful duet (Aubade) with Irish avant-pop singer Julie Feeney. It all works, as well, due to Nolan's acute awareness of what should be placed next to each other. In other words: just when you think there might be too jarring a clash, there's instead a soft grunt of gears that gradually dovetail. Impressive.

Download: Blood Wedding, Ballade to St Dympna, Aubade

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture