Some evil mice, a kidnapped cat and a buddy who is willing to step up and try to save him: good ingredients that make an even better game. The shoot-'em-up is played on the rails, which limits exactly what you can do, but also forces you to be a more creative in your thinking. You play the buddy tasked with saving the aforementioned kitty while riding something called a spinboard. One thing to know: Scram Kitty is difficult. You have think about your angles when trying to take out the mice, and the controls are on the complex side. It suddenly seems to go from difficulty level to level at an alarming pace. Although it never overloads you with too many new items to get to grips with at once, you will find yourself cursing the game as you (yet again) lose a life. Overall though, Scram Kitty is charming, from the retro-inspired graphics to the limitations that the game forces you to work within. For patient gamers.
Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails