Movie Quiz

DONALD CLARKE's weekly movie quiz

DONALD CLARKE'sweekly movie quiz

1 I am an archaeologist with a big hat who doesn’t care for snakes. Who am I?

2 The main melody in which 1939 classic is called Tara’s Theme?

3 Which statesman unites Brendan Gleeson, Bob Hoskins, Albert Finney and Timothy Spall?


4 Who, according to Ricky Gervais, can often be found in “such facilities as the Betty Ford Clinic and Los Angeles County Jail”?

5 What began in Park City, Utah yesterday?

6 What comes after Duel and The Sugarland Express?

7 Who’s that staring nervously out the window (see photo)?

8 Which is the odd one out: Airport, Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Dirty Harry and First Blood?

9 Which classic concerns horizontal optokinetic nystagmus?

10 A current Ryan Gosling film. A Gary Oldman thriller from 1993. A Kevin Smith comedy from 2004. What’s the link?








1. I am Indiana Jones

2. Gone With the Wind

3. Winston Churchill

4. Robert Downey Jr

5. The Sundance Film Festival

6. Jaws (Early films by Steven Spielberg)

7. It's Deborah Kerr in The Innocents (1961)

8. Dirty Harry. All the rest initiated a sequence of (so far) four films. There are five Dirty Harry pictures.

9. Vertigo (the technical name for that condition)

10. Named for Tom Waits songs (Blue Valentine, Romeo Is Bleeding, Jersey Girl)