John Boyne: “Life is short; I feel no compunction to finish a novel that is boring me. I’ll read something else.” Photograph: Dave Meehan
‘Conflict, religion and poetry are the three energies that I hold together, and they’re all about language’
The Ghosts of Rome by Joseph O’Connor: Follow-up to My Father’s House draws an extraordinary picture of Rome under Nazi control
Scotland v Ireland: Sam Prendergast set to retain place at outhalf with changes to be kept to a minimum
Damien Duff warns Shelbourne players not to be ‘left behind’ as ‘ridiculous’ injuries rule some out of President’s Cup
Scotland v Ireland: Sam Prendergast set to retain place at outhalf with changes to be kept to a minimum
‘If we just focus on paramilitaries, we’re missing the bigger picture': Study on trauma in Northern Ireland shows need for concerted action