Crosaire No 17835 by Crossheir – Wednesday, March 16th, 2022

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication

8 Raises (= reverse indicator) a (-A) unit synonymous with power (watt = -TTAW-) of leader ('Of' leader/first letter = O-) (OTTAWA) in North American capital (OTTAWA = federal capital of Canada),

9 Animation (FIRE) is missing from The Office (AWAY) (FIRE AWAY) shoot (FIRE AWAY),

10 Ends embargo around island business (ends ‘embargO arounD islanD businesS’ = ODDS) – what’s the chances of that? (ODDS),

11 Detective’s (DIs = DIS-) answer (-A-) to president (-P-) put to the test (-PROVE) (DISAPPROVE) by veto? (DISAPPROVE),


12 On reflection (= reversal indicator), is able (can = -NAC) to go (go = -OG-) to clubs (C-) (COGNAC) drunk in France (COGNAC),

14 Master (MA-) a field (a field) sport (= anagram indicator) (a field = -LA FIDE) (MALA FIDE) in bad faith according to the Romans (MALA FIDE),

15 Bound (STRAPPED) to be in favour of (FOR) 24 down (‘cash’ = CASH) (STRAPPED FOR CASH) having no money (STRAPPED FOR CASH),

18 Good man (saint = ST-) is out of order (wrong) heading off (w) (‘wrong’ without ‘w’ = -RONG-) to empty (a) place (lay) (‘lAy’ without ‘a’ = -LY) (STRONGLY) with Power (STRONGLY),

20 Essential to dump tin (‘essential’ to dump ‘tin’ = esseal = EASELS) or the types the painters use (EASELS),

22 When guns are put to your head (ULTIMATUMS) in maul? It must (maul it must) kick-off (= anagram indicator)! (maul it must = ULTIMATUMS),

24 Group (group/wing = CAMP) cut initially (‘Cut’ initially = C-) from Band Aid (-AMP) (CAMP),

25 Short of dough (STRAPPED) for opening 15 across (opening ‘strapped for cash’ = STRAPPED),

26 Is miles away perhaps (ABSENT) from baked (= anagram indicator) beans (beans = ABSEN-) on top of toast (top of ‘Toast’ = -T) (ABSENT)

1 Garda officer (Senior Investigating Officer = S-IO) arrests leaders of trade union (leaders of 'Trade Union' = TU-) from Dublin (-D-) (STUDIO) workshop (STUDIO),

2 By no means lose money (‘by no means’ lose/without ‘money’ = bans = BANS) in bars (BANS),

3 Worker (HAND-) joins women’s institute (Irish Countrywomen’s Association = -ICA-) for power (-P) (HANDICAP) and that’s a disadvantage (HANDICAP),

4 Half the food (half the ‘FOod’ = -FO-) in America (US = U-S) (UFOS) produced by crafty types, the subject of conspiracy theorists (UFOS),

5 Rugby player (PROP-) on the foreign (‘the’ foreign = -EL) (PROPEL) pitch (pitch/fling = PROPEL),

6 Café crisis (café crisis) brewing (= anagram indicator) (café crisis = SACRIFICES)? Offerings that have been burnt perhaps! (SACRIFICES),

7 Drunk in France (CALVADOS) gets locked first (‘Locked’ first = -L-), tucking into Spanish wine (Cava = CA-VA-) at parties (dos = -DOS) (CALVADOS),

13 Etonian pal (Etonian pal) out of sorts (= anagram indicator) (Etonian pal = NEAPOLITAN) with ice cream in Italy (NEAPOLITAN ice cream),

14 Ran out of Maryland (‘Ran’ out of ‘Maryland’ = mylad = MADLY) at a frantic pace (MADLY),

16 All there is (TOTALITY) to The Count (TOT-) associated with Alphonse (-AL-) and Ruth (pity) heading off (p)? (‘Pity’ without ‘p’= -ITY) (TOTALITY),

17 Lose the head (h), hover (‘hover’ without ‘h’ = OVER-), don’t budge (-STAY) (OVERSTAY) and wear out welcome (OVERSTAY),

19 Turns up (= reverse indicator) for wrap party at The Centre (‘wrAP PARty’ at The Centre = appar = -RAPPA) at midnight (mid ‘niGht’ = G-) (GRAPPA) drunk, in Italy (GRAPPA),

21 Twists at the bar (LEMONS) with fresh (= anagram indicator) melons (melons = LEMONS),

23 Loosen (UNDO) and dig up (= reverse indicator) segment of dogwood nuisance (segment of ‘dogwoOD NUisance’ = odnu = UNDO),

24 Raised (= reverse indicator) some cheetahs accompanying (raised some ‘cheetaHS ACcompanying’ = hsac = CASH) the bucks in America (CASH).