Tracking device used to trace stolen hanging baskets to woman’s Co Cork home

Community group put tracker into flower holder after similar theft occurred a year earlier

Sgt Pat Lyons told Judge Mary Dorgan that six hanging baskets and flowers, with a value of €180, were stolen from Inch, Killeagh between May 29th and 31st last. Photograph: Alamy/PA

A woman charged with being in possession of stolen hanging flower baskets after a community group allegedly traced them back to her home using a tracking device is to face a trial.

Cork District Court previously heard an outline of the evidence in the case facing Mary O’Driscoll (45), of Brookhill, Ballea Road, Carrigaline. The accused is pleading not guilty.

Sgt Pat Lyons told Judge Mary Dorgan in January that six hanging baskets and flowers, with a value of €180, were stolen from Inch, Killeagh between May 29th and 31st last.

“Because something similar happened the year before, members of the local community who put up the baskets put an Apple tracker into one of the baskets. The tracker gave its location as Ms O’Driscoll’s address,” he said.


Sgt Lyons said gardaí obtained a warrant to search Ms O’Driscoll’s home and found the baskets and the tracking device there.

The accused faces prosecution for being in possession of the baskets, knowing or being reckless as to whether they were stolen. The case was put back until May 21st, when a date for trial is to be set.