Web log

Compiled by JOHN COLLINS

Compiled by JOHN COLLINS

Google Android  on your iPhone

INSTALL:HEALTH WARNING first: do not attempt this unless you are technically adept and have backed up your data from iPhone. Now that's out of the way, think how much credibility you'll have in techie circles when you show Android working on your iPhone.

You’ll need to jailbreak your iPhone (which may invalidate your warranty) and install various bits of software before finally adding the iDroid emulator. Performance isn’t perfect but early adopters will be happy to sacrifice it for combining the two best smartphone operating systems on a single device.



Article calling for openness on internet

READ:TWENTY YEARS after he invented the worldwide web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee has penned an impassioned essay for Scientific American calling for continued open standards and net neutrality. In it, he claims the web is under attack by social networks that hide users' data behind walls, by mobile operators threatening to throttle access speeds to websites they haven't done deals with and by governments who are using the web to monitor their citizens' activities.

Have you read it, Mark Zuckerberg?


YouTube’s box of festive solutions

WATCH:OK, so it's got a stupid name and some very American content to go with it (like a "how to recreate the first Thanksgiving" video) but even Scrooge would get some inspiration from YouTube's selection of videos featuring recipe tips, advice for decorating your home and present ideas. Whether it's a recipe for cranberry sauce, the right way to stuff a turkey, or ideas for recession-beating DIY presents, there's no need for a last-minute panic if you watch some of these videos.


Your old floppy disc into a USB drive

MAKE:MANY OF us who have been using PCs for more than a decade have a pile of floppy discs gathering dust somewhere in a box. The problem is that most of us no longer have a PC with a drive capable of reading them.

Why not take a leaf out of Charles Mangin’s book and convert them to USB drives? Mangin has helpfully posted a selection of pictures to Flickr which provides a step-by-step guide for the less creative.
