Telecom spending £2m on adverts to attract buyers

A massive advertising campaign will begin shortly to explain the Telecom Eireann flotation and encourage potential investors …

A massive advertising campaign will begin shortly to explain the Telecom Eireann flotation and encourage potential investors to become shareholders.

The campaign will coincide with the distribution of a mailshot to every household in the State on April 21st inviting the public to buy Telecom shares. The £2 million (€2.54 million) advertising campaign will be very aggressive and is designed to provide the maximum information to the public and, hopefully, to prompt the biggest take-up of shares in the history of the State.

Around £1 billion (€1.26 billion) worth of Telecom shares will be offered to the public. Everyone on the Electoral Register is entitled to apply for the shares. Potential purchasers will be given six weeks from April 21st to pre-register their interest.

This will be followed by a one-week offer period during which time investors must subscribe to buy the shares. Investors will only learn the likely price range the shares will be issued at in late May and this will depend on prevailing market conditions as well as the demand for the shares.


A flotation helpline will also be established.