Nurses signal restoration on terms could be ‘spread over time’

Document to 40,000 members indicates continuing campaign until cuts reversed

Talks are expected to commence after Easter on rolling back the financial emergency legislation which underpinned the various reductions in terms and conditions. Photograph: The Irish Times
Talks are expected to commence after Easter on rolling back the financial emergency legislation which underpinned the various reductions in terms and conditions. Photograph: The Irish Times

Nurses have said that restoration of higher pay rates and the re-introduction of a shorter working week, which they are to seek in forthcoming talks with the Government, could be “spread over time”.

However, in a document circulated to its 40,000 members this weekend, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) said its "campaign will continue until all cuts are restored".

The Irish Times reported last week in the forthcoming talks on public service remuneration and conditions the INMO would be seeking the restoration of all pay cuts, the abolition of the pension levy and a working week of 37 hours. The union elaborated on its stance in a background document circulated to members over the weekend.

Talks are expected to commence after Easter on rolling back the financial emergency legislation which underpinned the various reductions in terms and conditions.


In the document the INMO said: “The time has now come to reverse these unfair, and now unnecessary, emergency measures taken in the name of the public interest.”

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.