Builders see way out of housing clauseBuilders may be able to avoid the provisions of the Planning and Development Act 1999 which require them to transfer up to 20…Thu Sept 07 2000 - 01:00
Extra 34 firms apply to dig up Dublin roadsA report on disruption caused by service providers digging up Dublin's streets - especially telecommunications companies - is…Sat Sept 02 2000 - 01:00
Mayor puts weight behind car-free dayDublin's Lord Mayor, Mr Maurice Ahern, yesterday defended plans for a car-free day in the city, saying: "We are becoming a nation…Sat Sept 02 2000 - 01:00
Threat to listed homes in MonkstownThe owners and occupiers of more than 350 listed buildings in south Co Dublin have claimed that one of the State's greatest concentrations…Thu Aug 31 2000 - 01:00
Builders critical as ruling gets good responseYesterday's Supreme Court judgment on Part 5 of the Planning and Development Bill 1999 was immediately welcomed by the Government…Tue Aug 29 2000 - 01:00
House prices may rise by 24%, warns builders' associationThe Irish House Builders' Association (IHBA) has warned that new house prices may rise by as much as 24 per cent as a consequence…Tue Aug 29 2000 - 01:00
Attempt to ease housing strain satisfies courtThe Supreme Court said yesterday it was clear the purpose of Part 5 of the Planning and Development Bill, 1999, was to facilitate…Tue Aug 29 2000 - 01:00
Planning for shop refusedWaterford Corporation has refused planning permission for a controversial two-storey shop on the city's quayside.Sat Aug 26 2000 - 01:00
State faces penalties over greenhouse gas emissionsThe State is facing censure and possible trading restrictions for its lack of progress in reducing the airborne emissions of …Sat Aug 26 2000 - 01:00
Councillors to discuss getting the county manager to sue himselfMembers of Wicklow County Council are set to debate a motion on Monday calling for the county manager to take legal action against…Sat Aug 26 2000 - 01:00
Airport is key to jobs growth in FingalFingal County Council is to appoint consultants to draw up a new plan for the development of south Fingal, an area between Malahide…Thu Aug 24 2000 - 01:00
Sharp rise in levels of airborne pollutants recorded in DublinAirborne pollution has increased significantly in Dublin, mainly due to construction and more traffic, according to the latest…Thu Aug 24 2000 - 01:00
The family affair of clan ralliesThe September 1992 Homecoming Festival promoted jointly by Bord Failte and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board was a financial…Wed Aug 23 2000 - 01:00
Bathers warned off Lough Derg's toxic bloomPeople continued to bathe in Lough Derg yesterday, despite the fact that stretches of the lake's Co Tipperary shoreline have …Tue Aug 22 2000 - 01:00
Eircom reconnects most Internet clientsTwo-thirds of Eircom net on-line customers are expected to be reconnected to the Internet by this morning, but some will have…Sat Aug 19 2000 - 01:00
Carraroe crucifix plans overturnedAn Bord Pleanala has overturned planning permission for a six-metre crucifix to be erected at Carraroe in the Connemara gaeltacht…Sat Aug 19 2000 - 01:00
SIPTU accepts Iarnrod Eireann packageThe SIPTU/Iarnrod Eireann agreement hammered out in the early hours of yesterday morning is a productivity agreement and as such…Tue Aug 15 2000 - 01:00
ILDA rejects Labour Court recommendationsHopes for an end to the disruption of rail services caused by the Irish Locomotive Drivers' Association (ILDA) dispute evaporated…Tue Aug 15 2000 - 01:00
ILDA rejects Labour Court recommendationsRail drivers set out safety demands as precondition to resuming workTue Aug 15 2000 - 01:00
Talks on rail line dispute continue overnightNegotiations to avoid the prospect of a disruptive strike by rail-line maintenance workers, due to begin this morning, continued…Mon Aug 14 2000 - 01:00
SIPTU says sides closer on rail line disputeDisruption of the State's rail services is set to continue today following the failure of the joint Labour Court-Labour Relations…Mon Aug 14 2000 - 01:00
ILDA rejects terms for a return to work and sets out its conditionsThe executive of the Irish Locomotive Drivers' association, (ILDA) yesterday decided against recommending that drivers return…Mon Aug 14 2000 - 01:00
SIPTU says sides closer on rail line disputeLabour Court-LRC initiative to suspend ILDA dispute failsMon Aug 14 2000 - 01:00
ILDA unlikely to attend review of disputeHopes for a solution to the eight-week train drivers' dispute diminished yesterday after the executive of the Irish Locomotive…Sat Aug 12 2000 - 01:00
Doubt whether intervention offer will settle rail disputeTwo separate sets of talks to be held this weekend will decide the immediate future of the rail service in the Republic.Sat Aug 12 2000 - 01:00
New strike warning by line inspectorsAnother dispute faces Iarnrod Eireann this weekend as talks continue between the company and railway line inspectors.Fri Aug 11 2000 - 01:00
Labour Court, LRC propose rail initiativeAn unprecedented initiative aimed at ending the train drivers' dispute was proposed yesterday by the Labour Relations Commission…Fri Aug 11 2000 - 01:00
Exotic zebra mussels clogging up waterwaysThe dreaded zebra mussel (Dreissena Polymorpha), which was introduced into Ireland only a few years ago, has spread the whole…Thu Aug 10 2000 - 01:00
How they rescued from ruin a castle overlooking four countiesPortumna, on the border of Tipperary and Galway, lies where the Shannon river meets Lough DergThu Aug 10 2000 - 01:00
Rail services set to deteriorate further if dispute not settled before holidays endDisruption, overcrowding and delays on commuter rail links to the capital which are already severe on some routes are expected…Mon Aug 07 2000 - 01:00
Road hauliers will benefit as hopes fade for an early end to rail disputeAfter a bank holiday weekend marked by frustration and delays among those attempting to travel to the west of Ireland by train…Mon Aug 07 2000 - 01:00
O'Donnell urged to intervene on behalf of priestThe Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Ms Liz O'Donnell, has been asked by Trocaire to intervene in the case of an Irish …Fri Aug 04 2000 - 01:00
Increase in number of road fatalitiesProvisional Garda figures on fatal road accidents for the year to the end of July show that 236 people were killed on the Republic…Thu Aug 03 2000 - 01:00
Over 65s sought for community housingA radical new community housing project which is about to open in Enniscorthy, Co Wexford, has invited applications from the …Wed Aug 02 2000 - 01:00
Cutbacks in grants hit tourism growth on the BarrowPlans to develop the potential of the River Barrow as a major regional tourist attraction in the south-east have received a setback…Wed Aug 02 2000 - 01:00
Toll charges likely for Eastern BypassDublin's proposed Eastern Bypass will most likely use tolls to avoid being used as a convenient motorway into the centre of Dublin…Tue Aug 01 2000 - 01:00
One-ticket trips across Dublin possibleMost journeys across Dublin should be possible using just one ticket, the Minister for Public Enterprise said yesterday after…Tue Aug 01 2000 - 01:00
£4.3bn to be spent on metro system for DublinThe Government has approved the development of a £4Tue Aug 01 2000 - 01:00
Heritage code of practice agreed for road buildingA new code of practice which aims to safeguard archaeological heritage and the wider environment, while allowing the National…Thu Jul 27 2000 - 01:00
Authorities who ignore guidelines on housing threaten planAs local authorities around Dublin ignore a formal request from the Minister for the Environment, Mr Dempsey, for developments…Thu Jul 27 2000 - 01:00
UN concern over Irish rightsThe United Nations Human Rights Committee has criticised the State over a number of provisions which fall short of the International…Thu Jul 27 2000 - 01:00
New tax incentives will help with rejuvenation of 100 small townsOne hundred small towns throughout the Republic have been included in a new tax incentive-based town renewal scheme announced…Tue Jul 25 2000 - 01:00
Transport is a factor in rural disadvantageA report launched by the Minister for Public Enterprise, Ms O'Rourke, has identified public transport as a significant factor…Tue Jul 25 2000 - 01:00
Iarnrod threat `a diversion' - OgleThe Irish Locomotive Train Drivers' Association (ILDA) has described Iarnrod Eireann's threat to pursue it for £5 million in …Tue Jul 25 2000 - 01:00
EU signs £3bn in aid in recognition of constructive use"It is like signing a cheque for £3 billion, in front of witnesses," EU Commissioner Mr Michel Barnier said in Dublin yesterday…Sat Jul 08 2000 - 01:00
Area plans to boost inner city rejuvenationDublin Corporation has developed a number of integrated area plans which, taken together, could vastly improve not just the appearance…Thu Jul 06 2000 - 01:00
Slow take up under National Development PlanIt appears there has not been a running start to spending on items under the seven-year National Development Plan (NDP) 2000-…Wed Jul 05 2000 - 01:00