Gogarty prepared `to go to Mountjoy to get to the truth'The Flood tribunal was adjourned briefly yesterday, after Mr James Gogarty became upset and declared he was prepared "to go to…Tue Feb 02 1999 - 00:00
Ruling puts Gogarty back in the boxCounsel for Mr Ray Burke, the Murphy group, Bovale Developments and others are to be allowed to cross-examine Mr James Gogarty…Tue Feb 02 1999 - 00:00
Dispute over consultancy arose within a year of settlement of pension dealMr James Gogarty agreed to settle his legal claims against the Murphy group in June 1990, in return for the immediate operation…Tue Feb 02 1999 - 00:00
£45m Arklow by-pass opens ahead of scheduleThe £45 million Arklow by-pass, part of the N11 route in Co Wicklow, has been opened nine months ahead of schedule.Sat Jan 30 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty thought £1m a `realistic' expectation for pension benefitMr James Gogarty was promised the benefit of about £1 million as a pension by Mr Joe Murphy snr because of his long service and…Thu Jan 28 1999 - 00:00
Counsel protests that time is being wastedProblems facing the Flood tribunal flowed entirely from the failure of the participants to "face up to reality" and accept that…Thu Jan 28 1999 - 00:00
Witness tells hearing ESB's £700,000 left with his solicitorsMr James Gogarty lodged a £700,000 payment from the ESB with his solicitor instead of passing it on to the Murphy group of companies…Wed Jan 27 1999 - 00:00
Claims `not identified'The former Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Ray Burke "does not know the allegations or all of the allegations being made against…Tue Jan 26 1999 - 00:00
Planning permission granted for Dun Laoghaire's £10m marinaAn Bord Pleanala has approved planning permission for a £10 million 680-berth marina in Dun Laoghaire HarbourTue Jan 26 1999 - 00:00
Questioning of Gogarty `should be deferred'The response of Mr Michael Bailey of Bovale Developments to allegations made by Mr James Gogarty was "manifestly insufficient…Tue Jan 26 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty not shying from cross-examination, says counselMr James Gogarty had been repeatedly called a liar and a person who committed perjury and the person solely responsible for "…Tue Jan 26 1999 - 00:00
Swimming body is dissolved as stories are told of sex abuseOne hundred years of the Irish Amateur Swimming Association (IASA) came to an end in Dublin yesterday amid stormy scenesMon Jan 25 1999 - 00:00
Counsel sees that he has to take no for an answerHis ruling that he would continue to hear the evidence of Mr James Gogarty while awaiting a transcript to assist his handling…Fri Jan 22 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty to take break from giving evidenceEvidence will not be taken from Mr James Gogarty today or next Monday, in deference to the strain Mr Gogarty is under, Mr Justice…Fri Jan 22 1999 - 00:00
Witness says he was warned to refrain from naming BurkeMr James Gogarty was offered financial inducements to refrain from naming Mr Ray Burke in public proceedings, but was ultimately…Thu Jan 21 1999 - 00:00
Tribunal sought security for GogartyThe chairman of the planning and payments tribunal, Mr Justice Flood, met the chief witness, Mr James Gogarty, at Mr Gogarty'…Thu Jan 21 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty claims he was given £50,000 cheque at meeting in Dublin hotelMr James Gogarty was given a cheque for £50,000 at the Skylon Hotel in north Dublin in 1990 by Mr Michael Bailey, of Bovale Developments…Thu Jan 21 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty tells of pension `threat'On the day in June 1989 that Mr James Gogarty says he and others handed over £80,000 to the Fianna Fail politician, Mr Ray Burke…Wed Jan 20 1999 - 00:00
Tribunal told Burke sought payments for land rezoningMr Ray Burke, the former minister for foreign affairs, actively sought payments from property developers in return for land rezoning…Wed Jan 20 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty `told pension would not be settled if he did not sign affidavit'Mr James Gogarty was presented with an affidavit to sign in a bedroom in Killiney Castle Hotel in 1989 and told that if he did…Tue Jan 19 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty says JMSE went back on deal over payment from the ESBMr James Gogarty was told he could keep half of the money recouped from the ESB through negotiations on accounts arrears, the…Tue Jan 19 1999 - 00:00
Gardai believe quarrel led to man's murderGardai believe a row involving a number of people may have led to the murder of a man in the Inchicore area of Dublin yesterday…Sat Jan 16 1999 - 00:00
Group `considered using tax amnesty'The Murphy Group of companies considered the tax amnesty to bring its financial affairs to order in 1988, Mr James Gogarty said…Fri Jan 15 1999 - 00:00
Publisher orders destruction of entire print run of magazine over articleThe entire print run of 36,000 copies of the January issue of the current affairs magazine, Magill, has been destroyed on the…Thu Jan 14 1999 - 00:00
Judge says tribunal will not desist despite `weekly threats' of injunctionsThe Flood planning tribunal has received "almost weekly threats from various persons that the tribunal will be injuncted by them…Wed Jan 13 1999 - 00:00
Gogarty outlines career in building and engineeringAs part of his evidence to the tribunal yesterday, Mr James Gogarty outlined details of his lifeWed Jan 13 1999 - 00:00
Murphy group's counsel entitled to `vital' papersThe opening of the Flood Tribunal was unprecedented in that it allowed Mr James Gogarty to make public allegations which were…Wed Jan 13 1999 - 00:00
IDA wants to buy back Greystones land sold to US company in 1989The Industrial Development Authority wants to buy back land it sold to an American multinational computer company for the creation…Tue Jan 12 1999 - 00:00
Rezonings add millions to Wicklow land valuesMembers of Wicklow County Council have agreed to rezone large tracts of agricultural land in the north of the county for industrial…Tue Jan 12 1999 - 00:00
Display shows disruption from Luas construction "will be slight"The redevelopment of the northern end of Dundrum village, demolition of property in Ranelagh and the "significant" disruption…Mon Jan 11 1999 - 00:00
TD urges Ahern to raise Tuskar air disaster with BlairThe Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, is being asked to raise the 1968 Tuskar air disaster with the British Prime Minister, Mr Blair, in an…Mon Jan 11 1999 - 00:00
Local opposition to £16m waste plant at BallyoganPlans for a £16 million waste treatment plant on the former Ballyogan tip-head in south Co Dublin have run into opposition from…Mon Jan 11 1999 - 00:00
O'Rourke refers Tuskar report for investigationThe Minister for Public Enterprise, Ms O'Rourke, has referred a document alleging a British cover-up of the 1968 Tuskar air disaster…Fri Jan 08 1999 - 00:00
ESB not to pay power-loss compensationESB customers in the north-west who lost electricity for a week over Christmas are to receive no compensationWed Jan 06 1999 - 00:00
Ryanair braces itself for friendly St Valentine's weekend in ParisRyanair, which announced a seat sale including 500,000 "friends fly free" tickets for travel between now and March 25th, says…Wed Jan 06 1999 - 00:00
Days of the dump are numbered, Minister saysThe Minister for the Environment has clarified his instructions that local authorities should co-operate on their waste management…Wed Jan 06 1999 - 00:00
President feeling `great' after ski accidentThe President, Mrs McAleese, has dismissed concerns for her health following her skiing accident in the French Alps just before…Tue Jan 05 1999 - 00:00
A dull, wet and warmer yearIt is official: 1998 was dull and wet, Met Eireann announced yesterday.Sat Jan 02 1999 - 00:00
Concern as accidents at work account for 66 deaths in yearSixty-six people were reported killed at work during 1998, a 40 per cent increase on 1997, according to figures issued by the…Thu Dec 31 1998 - 00:00
Strong winds expected to return today as many areas still mopping up after stormStrong south-east winds will buffet the country again today but with little of the intensity of the recent storms which left …Thu Dec 31 1998 - 00:00
Further storms forecast as many wait for powerMet Eireann has warned of heavy rain and winds gusting at between 70 and 80 m.p.hTue Dec 29 1998 - 00:00
Road protesters to celebrate anniversaryVigil-keepers at the Glen of the Downs in Co Wicklow are planning to mark the first anniversary of their confrontation with the…Tue Dec 29 1998 - 00:00
Some relief for north-west as further storms are predicted to affect southAs communities in the northwest struggled to return to normal yesterday after the St Stephen's Day storm which left 160,000 homes…Tue Dec 29 1998 - 00:00
Robbery boosts the value of Christmas collectionThe Rector of St Iberius Church, Wexford, who was robbed of his collection box outside the church last Monday, has told gardai…Mon Dec 28 1998 - 00:00
Inquiry report supports city-centre Luas lineThe report of the public inquiry into the Luas line from Tallaght to Middle Abbey Street has concluded that the proposal should…Wed Dec 23 1998 - 00:00
Residents advised to check for radon gasHouseholders in areas classed by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII) as high radon areas have been advised…Tue Dec 22 1998 - 00:00
Garda refers 38 child incidents to special unitThe Garda has referred 38 incidents of suspicious approaches made to children within the past 2 1/2 months to its Trace (Tracing…Sat Dec 19 1998 - 00:00
Homeless group critical of EHB's use of some B and B housingThe Eastern Health Board should not house the homeless in bed and breakfast facilities where people are forced out of their accommodation…Sat Dec 19 1998 - 00:00