As the world comes together to celebrate International Coffee Day on 1st October, Java Republic is proud to be on the pulse of everything that the day stands for. International Coffee Day is about paying recognition to everyone around the globe who plays a role in the coffee industry – from the farmers and roasters, to the baristas and coffee shop owners.
Coinciding with International Coffee Day, Java Republic is delighted to have just celebrated its 20th anniversary. The company was founded in September 1999 by David McKernan whose vision was to create a coffee experience that was unparalleled in its quality, transparency and commitment to sustainability.
From the day he opened the first premises on the Old Naas Road, McKernan stood steadfastly to his principles. He wanted to put an end to unethically sourced beans, low-quality roasting and inferior blends. Throughout the years Java Republic has remained wholeheartedly committed to his vision and in doing so has become one of the most successful players in the industry.

Among the things that have made it the success it is today are the company's values and ethos, summed up in the tagline “coffee for the people, by the coffee people”. Within Java Republic's walls you will find some of the industry's top experts, delivering you your favourite cup of coffee and tea every day. 20 years into the Java Republic journey and some of the original team are still in place today, continually working and innovating to be the best in the industry. Between them all they bring a wealth of experience and insight to their customers.
With nationalities from all over the globe, Java Republic offers a range of premium products that have been created based on knowledge and research, not just from Ireland, but from a huge variety of markets and cultures. Today the team hails from Venezuela, Poland, Romania, Spain, South Africa, Australia, India and Brazil, to name but a few.
Java Republic was most recently announced as the official coffee and tea partner to Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture
Throughout the years Java Republic has become synonymous with providing premium coffee that is freshly hand-roasted every day in the world’s first purpose-built carbon neutral roastery, while also offering customers a unique range of 100 per cent organic teas. The company’s reputation for quality has enabled it to form high profile partnerships, with 2019 being a significant year in this regard. Some of their high-profile collaborations in 2019 alone have included the iNua Collection, which operates eight hotels throughout Ireland, including four Radisson Blu hotels. Alongside this, Java Republic is the official coffee and tea partner of Center Parcs Longford Forest which opened to the public in August, and was most recently announced as the official coffee and tea partner to Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture.

Java Republic’s commitment to quality is just one of the things that has paved the way for it to become one of the leading brands in Ireland’s food and beverage industry. Most recently, the company was recognised at the Food & Drink Business Awards, taking home the prestigious award for Beverage Company of the Year. Combine this with winning the title of Sustainable Manufacturer of the Year at the inaugural IMR Manufacturing & Supply Chain awards in January, 2019 has been a stellar year for the company.
When it comes to sustainability, Java Republic's philosophy is ‘coffee with a conscience’, and this is ingrained in everything that it does. From the beginning, it recognised that as a business it is vital to be aware of the impact of your activities on the environment and on other people. Throughout the years, the team has gone to great lengths to meet the people who are behind every cup of coffee. Trips to origin are a major focus for the company each and every year, and in the last two decades the team has traveled to Ethiopia, Colombia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Rwanda and Sumatra. For Java Republic, the trips are not just about the coffee. They are about meeting the people who grow their coffee beans, getting to know them and building meaningful relationships. Not only that, but their roastery in Ballycoolin is the first purpose-built carbon neutral roastery in the world.

Java Republic’s biggest partnership this year came in May when it announced that it is joining forces with the family-run Spanish coffee company, Cafento. Cafento is a third-generation Spanish family business and one of Spain’s largest coffee companies. The partnership will see Java Republic growing its domestic offering in Ireland across all segments of the market, as well as driving the international expansion of its brand.
However, in terms of the Irish market nothing has changed. It is still continuing to maintain strong relationships with existing customers, as well as creating new partnerships every day.

So why not pop along to one of Java Republic’s flagship cafés and join in on celebrating International Coffee Day 2019. On Molesworth Street in Dublin’s city centre you will find an intimate café that serves as a popular place to relax and take some time out, or that is perfect for a quiet business meeting.
In Ballycoolin you will find their unique roastery, with its floor-to-ceiling glass walls, inviting you to learn about the coffee journey from crop to cup. Alongside the roastery is a lively café that serves delicious breakfast and lunch and of course, the best tasting coffee and tea.