Crosswords & Puzzles
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Half our favourite movies have vanished. But there’s still plenty of great stuff to search for
How did film about a comic book idiot get more nominations than The Irishman?
The Decade in Culture: As we move into the roaring twenties many things remain the same about the seventh art
The streaming giant’s most popular films and TV series show where it might go next
The director’s on working with Brad Pitt on Ad Astra, being ignored in America and making movies in Northern Ireland
Director Quentin Tarantino as enthusiastic as ever but can’t avoid criticism of his past
Company to release more interactive shows and foreign programmes as it looks to stay ahead
Analysis: How did Green Book, an indifferent film with lazy racial politics, win best picture?
Multi-nominated Roma won best director, cinematography and foreign language film
Green Book is best film, Bohemian Rhapsody wins most. Glenn Close overlooked for 7th time
Where can you watch the ceremony? When does it start and end? Who are the favourites?
The Favourite may be overlooked for the big prizes with Roma likely to steal the show
Donald Clarke: This week’s Oscars news reflects the common, idiotic view that cinema is little more than a type of flat theatre that you can now watch on your telephone
‘The Favourite’ and ‘Roma’ win the top prizes while Olivia Colman and Rami Malek take acting honours
The Favourite could hardly have done better, but most of the big races are still competitive
Irish-produced film The Favourite and Netflix’s Roma lead the way with 10 nominations each
Academy Awards: Dubliner Robbie Ryan has been nominated for best cinematography
Donald Clarke: If I get fewer than 80% of these correct I’ll be disappointed
Freddie Mercury biopic and ‘Green Book’ win big at awards ceremony on Sunday night
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ beats runaway favourite ‘A Star Is Born’ to best drama film
Crosswords & puzzles to keep you challenged and entertained
Full general election coverage including analysis and results for all 43 constituencies
How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands
Weddings, Births, Deaths and other family notices