Terry may be fit in a fortnight as injury not as bad as first feared

John Terry may be out for only a fortnight after initial scans on his damaged right knee suggested he sustained no significant…

John Terry may be out for only a fortnight after initial scans on his damaged right knee suggested he sustained no significant damage during Chelsea’s draw with Liverpool on Sunday.

The former England defender scored the opening goal at Stamford Bridge, the 50th of his career, only to be clattered by Luis Suarez, who had been nudged in the back by Ramires, 10 minutes before half-time.

Terry took the weight of the Uruguayan on his right leg, which buckled beneath him, and was left thumping the turf in agony before departing on a stretcher.

Terry underwent an MRI scan at 9am yesterday, which revealed there was “no significant damage” to his cruciate ligaments, the centre-half having apparently benefited from not planting his feet before Suarez’s impact.


As a result the ligaments do not appear to have been torn as his leg hyperextended. Had he ruptured the cruciate, as he had initially feared before departing the stadium on crutches and with his knee in a brace, his season would almost certainly have been over.

Chelsea will make a full diagnosis after re-examining the joint later in the week.

Guardian Service