Nemanja Matic ban reduced to two games

Chelsea midfielder will miss Sunday’s League Cup final after red card against Burnley

The Chelsea midfielder Nemanja Matic will miss the Capital One Cup final against Tottenham despite having his three-game ban for the red card he picked up against Burnley reduced to two matches.

Matic was sent off for violent conduct after he shoved Ashley Barnes to the ground following the Burnley player's robust challenge on the Serbian international.

A statement from the FA said: “In reaching this decision the members of the Regulatory Commission rejected the mitigation advanced by Nemanja Matic in respect of the provocation and tackle he received which led to his act of violent conduct.

“The violent response of Mr. Matic to the nature of the tackle cannot be condoned and does not vindicate his subsequent actions. The members of the Commission did, however, accept the mitigation in respect of the level of force used by Mr. Matic and the nature of the contact he made with Mr. Barnes of Burnley FC.


“Having made those considerations we determined that the standard punishment of a three-match suspension would be clearly excessive and, therefore, ordered that the suspension be reduced to two matches.”

Matic’s ban is to be served with immediate effect meaning José Mourinho will be out one of his key players as Chelsea contest the first piece of silverware this season.

(Guardian service)