Some rugby players like to unwind with a game of golf, some playing video games but few can boast the cultural gravitas of Argentinian…

Some rugby players like to unwind with a game of golf, some playing video games but few can boast the cultural gravitas of Argentinian Prop Omar Hasan, currently plying his trade with French Club Agen. Hasan enjoys the odd game of golf but his preference in terms of relaxation is singing. He spends two hours per week with his tutor Jean Francois Gardeil and also an hour every day practising singing and solfeggio (no i don't know what it is either).

He is inclined to classical music - he is a baritone - but also enjoys Argentine folklore, The Zambas from The Northern Pre-Andean region, don't you know.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer