Philip Deignan suffers broken collarbone in training

Team Sky rider hopes to return for Giro d’Italia start in Belfast

Ireland's Philip Deignan has withdrawn from Team Sky's Ruta del Sol squad after fracturing a collarbone in training near his Monaco base.

The 30-year-old climber fractured his left collarbone last September during the Tour of Britain and the latest blow comes to his right, denying him a second race for Team Sky.

He told “My collarbone’s a lot more mobile than the last time this happened so I’m hoping I’ll be back on the bike sooner rather than later.

“It’s frustrating more than anything else. I was happy with the way things went at the Tour Down Under and I was looking forward to building my form at the Ruta del Sol.”


The injury is common in cycling and riders tend to return swiftly. Deignan is recovering at home in Donegal and does not require surgery.

His season target is May’s Giro d’Italia, which begins in Belfast and also visits Dublin.