The mayfly is up and running with reports from around the country indicating plenty of sport to be had for those anglers on the “dries”, “wets” and “dapping”. The early lakes, for example Cullin, Derg and Arrow, are well under way with throngs of fly fishers eager to wet a line for what is the highlight of the trout angling year.
As is customary, the upper reaches on Corrib in the Cornamona region are first to register the mayfly and hatches then progress to encompass the entire lake. Lough Conn, Ennell, Mask and Carra and, indeed, most trout lakes, are now in the throes of mayfly fishing.
On Sheelin, hatches were sporadic but, no doubt, in the coming weeks this magical lake will outshine all others with a super abundance of mayfly.

Last weekend, my boating partner, Pat Gallagher, caught a trout of 4lb12oz on an emerging nymph at the Stony area, two days earlier, he had one of 4lb and that excellent trout of 10lb as featured in last week’s notes. On Wednesday, Oliver McCormack and Pat Sweeney had a fish each of about 4lb in Holywell Bay on dries.
Lough Arrow is fishing well, according to Eddie Rowe, with lots of fly life and early fishing most productive.
Boat engine thefts
Gardaí has advised that a number of boat engine thefts have been reported in the Corrib area in recent weeks, and are urging people to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour around boats and their engines, according to Midwest Radio.
The advice to boat owners is to remove the engine after use, but where this is not possible, consider removing the cowling (plastic engine cover) which will make the engine less attractive to thieves.
A tarpaulin bag can be replaced over the engine to protect it from the elements. Good standard locks and GPS trackers are also advisable and take note of engine number, found on shaft of the outboard.
Conviction over assault of fisheries officer
Jason Callaghan, Lower Barrack Street, Co Cork, was recently convicted by Judge Brian O’Shea at a special sitting of Midleton District Court on three charges including assaulting a fisheries officer.
Officers had observed Mr Callaghan illegally fishing with two other men in the Owenacurra river at the Cork Road Bridge, Midleton, on July 21st, 2019, while the river was closed to angling for the protection and conservation of salmon and sea trout stocks.
The court heard that Mr Callaghan had fled the scene when the officers approached and was pursued to the town centre where he assaulted the officer with the metal end of a fishing rod. The assault was witnessed by a plain clothes garda attending the incident.
Mr Callaghan was fined €500 with an additional two-month custodial sentence for use of a stroke haul. He was further convicted of impeding an authorised officer and given a four-month custodial sentence to run concurrent with the two-month sentence.
Mr Callaghan, who had previous fisheries convictions, fully contested the charges and gave evidence to the court.
Kieran Ryan, Bishopstown, Co Cork, and Calvin Morrissey, Carrignavar, Co Cork, who had been illegally fishing with Mr Callaghan, were also convicted. Mr Ryan received a two-month custodial sentence for use of a stroke haul and one-month for impeding an authorised officer.
Mr Morrissey was convicted for use of a stroke haul and impeding an authorised officer and fined €500 on both counts. All the charges were brought under the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 1959.
Judge O’Shea rejected submissions from legal representatives for the three accused and stated that Mr Callaghan had told lies in the witness box which he “expressly rejected”. He noted that there was “no hint of an apology and no remorse shown” by Mr Callaghan or his co-defendants.
Lough Neagh family tours
Seventh generation fisherman Gary McErlain and his wife, Anne-Marie McStocker, are launching a new Lough Neagh family taster tour as part of their summer series of tours at Lough Neagh Tours.
The boat excursion will share stories of people living in the area who have fished the native eel for centuries. Aboard, people can hear tales of the ecology and landscape while exploring Europe’s third largest lake.
The tour costs £160 for up to 10 people, with many more great options. Further details at