O'Sullivan calls on four uncapped players

RUGBY: Youth will be given its fling in the upcoming November Test series after Ireland coach Eddie O'Sullivan included the …

RUGBY: Youth will be given its fling in the upcoming November Test series after Ireland coach Eddie O'Sullivan included the uncapped quartet of Jamie Heaslip, Neil Best, Andrew Trimble and Robert Kearney for the internationals against New Zealand, Australia and Romania.

The four players have been elevated to the senior squad on the basis of the quality of their performances since the start of the season in Celtic League and European Cup fare. The 21-year-old Heaslip, formerly shortlisted for the World Under-21 player of the year, has belied his inexperience at senior level with a rising graph in terms of his displays.

He explained the circumstances of his call-up. "I got a phone call yesterday morning telling me they wanted me to turn up on Sunday evening for the squad session and my initial reaction was that it was one of the lads taking the mick out of me.

"I'm over the moon. I couldn't believe it and I rang my parents and my brothers and sister and they were delighted. It just goes to show what a bit of hard work can do for you. Everything this season has come around unbelievably quickly.


"Losing last week was a blow but I feel as though I'm getting into my groove a bit better with each passing week. I found the Heineken Cup game that bit faster but it's been brilliant. This caps it all. I can't wait."

His is joined in the Irish squad by provincial colleague, the 19-year-old wing Robert Kearney, who was equally elated by his inclusion. He had previously been called into a training squad. "I got a call this morning at 9.30am that woke me up out of bed.

"Ah no, I was delighted to get the call. In ways I wasn't expecting the call-up but I know that I still would have been slightly disappointed had I not made the selection. I enjoyed the experience of training with the Ireland squad last month and it gave me a taste for it. Once you're selected for something you set yourself a standard of being called up again."

Ulster centre Andrew Trimble had previous training experience with the national squad but the 21-year-old didn't take anything for granted.

"I have been working hard on getting the performance right for Ulster, training week in week out and playing with the likes of David Humphreys, Kevin Maggs and Paul Steinmetz has really helped me improve my game.

"Being involved in the Irish squad is another big step up for me in what has been an exciting year for me so far. I am delighted to be included. It's something that I have aspired to and I have no doubt that I will learn a lot from the sessions. I'm really looking forward to it."

Neil Best completes the quartet, the 26-year-old Ulster flanker, promoted for a series of outstanding displays this season, not least his excellent abrasive display against Benetton Treviso last weekend that he capped with a try.

O'Sullivan pointed out that the squad is a reflection of current form. "I said that I would be picking on form and it turns out that some of the younger guys have pushed through. The backrow is again an area where competition is high.

"Both Jamie (Heaslip) and Neil (Best) have impressed in their performances so far this season. Andrew Trimble has also slotted in well with Ulster and has benefited from their good run."

A vacancy has been left among the backs and this is likely to be filled by Anthony Horgan providing he is first selected and then comes through Munster's European Cup match against Castres at Thomond Park on Saturday.

There is no place in the squad for Ulster centre Kevin Maggs, another Japanese tourist, as was Munster secondrow Trevor Hogan and Ulster number eight Roger Wilson. Leinster flanker Keith Gleeson misses out, as does Leicester's Shane Jennings.

Replacements in the squad for the injured Frankie Sheahan and Paul O'Connell were not confirmed.

Ireland squad

BACKS: Tommy Bowe (Ulster), Kieren Campbell (Ulster), Gordan D'Arcy (Leinster), Girvan Dempsey (Leinster), Shane Horgan (Leinster), David Humphreys (Ulster), Robert Kearney (Leinster), Kieran Lewis (Leinster), Geordan Murphy (Leicester), Ronan O'Gara (Cork Constitution), David Quinlan (Northampton), Peter Stringer (Munster), Andrew Trimble (Ulster), AN Other.

FORWARDS: Neil Best (Ulster), Simon Best (Ulster), Shane Byrne (Saracens), Reggie Corrigan (Leinster), Leo Cullen (Leicester), *Simon Easterby (Llanelli), Anthony Foley (Munster), John Hayes (Munster), Jamie Heaslip (Leinster), Marcus Horan (Munster), Matt McCullough (Ulster), Denis Leamy (Munster), Donncha O'Callaghan (Munster), Johnny O'Connor (Wasps), Malcolm O'Kelly (Leinster), David Wallace (Garryowen ).

Not considered though injury: G Easterby ( Leinster), D Hickie (Leinster), E Miller (Leinster), B O'Driscoll ( Leinster), A Quinlan (Munster), F Sheahan ( Munster), P O'Connell (Munster).

* Subject to passing a fitness test.

AN Other to be named on Sunday, October 30th, after European Cup round two.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer