Navigators to stick with Power

CYCLING/Weekly column: Irish professional Ciarán Power is set for another season in the colours of the New York-based Navigators…

CYCLING/Weekly column: Irish professional Ciarán Power is set for another season in the colours of the New York-based Navigators squad, following the news that he has signed preliminary documents to remain with the team.

The 27-year-old Waterford cyclist has ridden for the professional outfit for the past two seasons and, according to his agent Frank Quinn, should complete the signature of his new contract in the near future.

"We have filled out a letter of intent and are just waiting for the team to send over Ciarán's new contract," he said yesterday.

"The deal is as good as done. It is likely that his programme will be very similar to this year, with a number of European races on his schedule in the spring and then a return to the US circuit after that."


Quinn added that Power is due to go to a training camp in Spain with some of Ireland's other Olympic hopefuls in December.

In other news, five riders were named this week to take part in the Tour of Okinawa in early November. Eugene Moriarty, David McCann, Paul Griffin and Rory Wyley will line out in the 1.5-ranked men's race on November 9th, while Colette Swift will compete in the women's event one day earlier.

Swift's participation is a big plus for women's cycling in Ireland as it will be the first time an Irish woman has been invited to race by the organisers, who foot the bill for the trip.

The London-based Cork woman has had a good season, with fine performances in events such as the B world championships, the Isle of Wight two-day and the TQ Paper International.

The women's commission will be holding their a.g.m. in the Spawell Leisure Complex, Templeogue, on Saturday, November 8th. The meeting starts at 10 a.m. and is open to all. Contact Valerie Considine at 086 3825842 for details.

The mountainbike commission will tomorrow hold their annual meeting in the same venue. This starts at 2 p.m., details from Cycling Ireland's Brendan Kilbride at 01 8551522, or from Geoff Seymour at 01 2863890.

Shane Stokes

Shane Stokes

Shane Stokes is a contributor to The Irish Times writing about cycling