Just a Minute: the 60-second Irish Sporting Nationality Test

Representing Ireland should require some basic knowledge of Irish sport, right?

Representing Ireland no longer means being born in Ireland. Not that it ever really did. Athletes and footballers have been doing it for years, and now rugby players are too.

Nevertheless, switching allegiance should require some basic knowledge of Irish sporting history, parlance and pedigree, right?

The test involves answering as many questions as possible in 60 seconds. A two-thirds success is considered a pass.

1. The words to “Amhrán na bhFiann” were written by?


a) Paul Hewson b) Paul Brady c) Peadar Kearney

2. Who wrote our other ‘sporting’ anthem, Ireland’s Call?

a) Phil Lynott b) Phil Coulter c) Phil Collins

3. Who was the first president of the GAA?

a) Maurice Davin b) Sam Maguire c) Liam MacCarthy

4. What was the first sport played at Lansdowne Road?

a) athletics b) cricket c) rugby

5. What was the first sport played at Croke Park?

a) soccer b) whippet racing c) athletics

6. Who put the ball in the back of the English net?

a) Ray Houghton b) Ray Treacy c) Liam Brady

7. Who put the ball in the back of the Kerry net?

a) Seamus Coleman b) Seamus Derby c) Seamus Heaney

8. Great hurling is sometimes described as?

a) vicious, b) savage c) sick

9. Gaelic football in modern times is sometimes known as?

a) pretend football, b) proper football c) puke football

10. Amateur GAA players will get how much money over the next three years?

a) €6.90 b) €690 c) €6.90 million

11. Dublin sporting fans politely refer to their country brethren as?

a) blood hounds b) muck savages c) axe murderers

12. Country fans politely refer to their city brothers as?

a) Jackeens b) Gombeens c) Wolvereens

13. Kerry football fans were once described as?

a) animals b) monsters c) aliens

14. Ireland have qualified for how many World Cups?

a) one b) two c) three

15. Roy Keane should have played in how many?

a) one b) two c) three

16. Who is Ireland’s leading goal-scorer?

a) Roy Keane b) Robbie Keane c) Roy Curtis

17. Who was Ireland’s first sub-four minute miler?

a) Eamonn Coghlan b) Ronnie Delany c) The Ballincurry Hare

18. The Irish mile record of 3:49.77 was set in what year?

a) 1982 b) 1992 c) 2002

19. The Irish 100m record is?

a) 9.98 seconds b) 10.08 seconds c) 10.18 seconds

20. Ireland have won how many Rugby Grand Slams?

a) two b) three c) four

21. Who is Ireland’s leading try-scorer?

a) Brian O’Driscoll b) Ronan O’Gara c) Ross O’Carroll-Kelly

22. Who was Ireland’s first Olympic medal winner?

a) Dr Pat O’Callaghan b) John Pius Boland c) Oliver St John Gogarty

23. Which indigenous ethnic minority has won Olympic medals?

a) the sailing community b) the travelling community c) the Cork community

24. Who is Ireland’s most successful ever Winter Olympian?

a) Lord Edward b) Lord Lucan c) Lord Clifton Wrottesley

25. What is Ireland’s most prosperous sporting industry?

a) dogs b) cats c) horses

26. What was ‘The Clones Cyclone’?

a) a racehorse b) a racing car c) a boxer

27. Olympic gold medal swimmer Michelle Smith retired early because of?

a) the money in the bank b) the whiskey in the jar c) the fat in the fire

28. Which Irish cyclist first wore the yellow jersey in the Tour de France?

a) Stephen Roche b) Sean Kelly c) Shay Elliott

29. Who was the first Irish golfer to win a Major?

a) Fred Daly b) Rory McIlroy c) Padraig Harrington

30. Who is Ireland’s greatest ever athlete?

a) Katie Taylor b) Sonia O’Sullivan c) Conor McGregor


1 c; 2 b; 3 a; 4 a; 5 c; 6 a; 7 b; 8 b; 9 c; 10 c; 11 b; 12 a; 13 a; 14 c; 15 b; 16 b; 17 b; 18 a; 19 c; 20 a; 21 a; 22 b; 23 b; 24 c; 25 c; 26 c; 27 b; 28 c; 29 a; 30 Don’t even ask...