Irish fail difficult examination

Tour School: Eamonn Brady's quest for a card on the main PGA European Tour next season ended in failure at San Roque yesterday…

Tour School: Eamonn Brady's quest for a card on the main PGA European Tour next season ended in failure at San Roque yesterday where two bogeys in the last three holes resulted in the Dubliner missing the four-round cut in the final qualifying by two strokes.

In what was a very disappointing tour school for the Irish contingent, Brady finished with a total of 299, 11 over par, to miss the cut which allowed the top-70 players and ties to progress to the final two rounds, after which 30 tour cards for next season will be awarded.

England's Tom Whitehouse retained his lead in the event, shooting a fourth-round 71 for 279, leaving him two shots clear of compatriots David Griffiths and Robert Rock.

The tour school turned out to be extremely disappointing for the Irish. Stephen Browne, who already has a card for next season but who attended in the hope of improving his status, retired during the first round, and Colm Moriarty, who has a Challenge Tour card for 2005, also withdrew after poor returns in his opening two rounds.


Brady, though, had the chance of winning a card on the Challenge Tour, which was guaranteed to those who survive the four-round cut, until a poor finish over the New Course yesterday. Two-under for his round after 11 holes, Brady bogeyed the 13th, but was still on target to make the cut until further bogeys at the 16th and 18th holes to miss out by two.

John Kelly, the club professional at St Margaret's, finished with a 77 for 301, while former Ryder Cup player Philip Walton posted a 77 for 308, which left him on the same mark as another Ryder Cup player, Peter Baker. Both now face into 2006 without any tour card.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times