IRFU to investigate alleged head-butt

The IRFU said last night they were going to investigate an alleged head-butt on an Irish supporter by an Irish international …

The IRFU said last night they were going to investigate an alleged head-butt on an Irish supporter by an Irish international squad member. Dubliner Terry Gormley claims he was head-butted by an Irish player at Jury's Hotel in Kensington, London in the early hours of Sunday morning. Gormley said yesterday that he intended to take the matter further.

"I am going to sit down and write a letter to the IRFU making a formal complaint and naming the player involved," he said before the IRFU's statement last night. "I was waiting for an apology from the player concerned and would have been happy to let the incident rest at that.

"Since none has been forthcoming and the IRFU has shown no inclination to take matters further themselves, I will formally write outlining the incident immediately. I am not prepared to let this matter rest as it stands."

Yesterday afternoon the IRFU released a statement through press officer John Redmond in which they said that no official investigation would be undertaken until they received a formal complaint.


However, in last night's brief statement which said that an investigation would in fact take place, the IRFU refused to confirm if the about-turn on the issue had occurred because the complaint had indeed been received. All the IRFU would say is that the investigation will now take place because they received "additional information".

Gormley maintains that he was standing with friends in the foyer of Jury's Hotel when a number of players entered. He engaged one player in conversation, criticising the team's performance and admits that words like "disgrace" and "embarrassment" were used.

He claims that the player conceded, "I take your point" and walked away. He then alleges that a second player present during the original conversation called another over and the "discussion" resumed briefly, whereupon he was head-butted without warning, receiving a black eye.

Gormley admits to being stunned and disorientated by the blow and several friends who witnessed the incident were too shocked to take any action. The players left quickly.

The Dubliner confirmed: "We immediately called the Metropolitan Police to report the incident. We also informed the manager in Jury's and he tried to contact the Conrad Hotel where the players were staying to try and organise an apology. When the police arrived, we gave statements."

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police in London said: "The police were called to an alleged incident in Jury's Kensington, London SW7 at 2.42 a.m. on February 6th by a member of staff. We spoke to a man who was with friends and claimed to have been head-butted. There was bruising to one side of his face but no hospital treatment was required. The police investigated the incident fully and no arrests were made."

Gormley claims that he expected to receive a phone call from the Metropolitan Police but none came. He then saw a newspaper report of the incident and was infuriated when it alleged that he had been head-butted by an Englishman and that none of the Irish squad were present.

He contacted the Irish Mirror on Tuesday morning to offer his account of what had transpired on the night. Yesterday he was interviewed by Joe Duffy on Liveline and re-iterated his allegations. Gormley claims that he would still settle for an apology. "All I want is an apology and nothing else. I am not looking for anything big."

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer