Courting Rafter out of bounds

At Hamburg this week several women were spotted wearing Tshirts bearing the legend Dubist unser Sex-Gott (You're our sex god). …

At Hamburg this week several women were spotted wearing Tshirts bearing the legend Dubist unser Sex-Gott (You're our sex god). What could this mean? Well, it means it's tennis time and Patrick Rafter (left) is playing hard to get. He has been linked to model Lara Feltham, and Germany's mass daily Bild warned the star's admirers that "chances of a flirt are slim" . . . but maybe not as slim as his chances of winning the French Open.

Meanwhile, Rafter's fellow countryman Pat Cash has indicated that he will come to Dublin for the Calcutta Run on May 21st. Cash will join other international sports people, with rugby supplying Brendan Mullin, Victor Costello, Hugo McNeill, Ollie Campbell and the president of the Law Society, Tony Ensor. Proceeds go to Calcutta children's charity.

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times