Answering the call

It's amazing how the barriers between rugby union and rugby league are breaking down

It's amazing how the barriers between rugby union and rugby league are breaking down. Once the most disparaging of enemies, the advent of professionalism in union and their recognition of the defensive qualities of league, manifest in the number of league coaches now working with union teams, has created a new bonhomie.

The hands of friendship seem to have extended across the narrowing divide off the pitch to boot. It can now be confirmed that they even share the same musical taste. Imagine the surprise when the Ireland ex-pats XV and Brian Carney, sponsored by the Heraldic Association of Ireland, stood for the national anthem opposite Samoa in the opening match of the Rugby League World Cup at Windsor Park, Belfast, to be greeted by Ireland's Call.

To their eternal credit, the Ireland team belted out the anthem with gusto and unlike their union brethren look like being around when the quarterfinals are being played.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer