A question of etiquette: To let through or not on the course

Q Two players are involved in a match and arrive on to the tee to discover that the group in front – consisting of three players…

QTwo players are involved in a match and arrive on to the tee to discover that the group in front – consisting of three players – are involved in a search for a ball in rough off the fairway.

The trio stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the presence of the players on the tee as they look the ball for and don’t call them through on the hole or, indeed, for the remainder of the round.

In the clubhouse afterwards, the two players who were held up make the point to the group of three that they should have called them through and are told there is no such rule.

AAlthough there is no special rule, golf course etiquette – as defined in the Rules of Golf – decrees that two-ball matches should have precedence over and be entitled to pass any three- or fourball match, which should invite them through.


However, a single player has no standing and should give way to a match of any kind.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times