Of course, when it comes to exams, worried parents often outnumber worried students, but there are many ways in which you can help your child to achieve their potential and get even more from their hard work and dedication.
1. Help set up a homework/study area. Make sure it is well lit, free of distractions and noise, and that they have everything they need to study.
2. Encourage hard work and help motivate them to study. Acknowledge their achievements and successes.

3. Be there to help when it’s needed. You can be their biggest ally this year. Whether you’re answering a question about studies, helping create a study timetable, or simply dropping them to the library after school, you’ll be contributing a lot to their future successes.
4. Negotiate a study timetable which you are both happy with. It’s great to find the right balance between their free time and good, solid study. Give them a chance to see friends or chill out when the work is done and they deserve a break.
5. Help them get into a routine at home, by having meals at regular times and being home to keep an eye on things. Your sons or daughters will find it easier to follow their study routine and will soon be in the study groove.
6. Parent teacher meetings are a great way to find out how your child is doing in school and what needs to be improved. Whether it’s punctuality or identifying areas where they may need additional support, there are always things to be aware of.
7. Try to instil in them a sense of responsibility. Simple conversations about future college plans and career goals can help students understand the importance of putting in the work now. This inside motivation is the most powerful force that can drive them forward in their studies.
Don't underestimate the importance of your role in determining their success. Students feels more capable and in-control with a parent's support. Be a part of their day to day studies and you will help them to reach their exam goals and get the results they truly deserve.