Supermoon to be visible for two more nights as moon at its closest to Earth

Sturgeon moon is the fourth and last of supermoons in 2022

Sturgeon moon seen at Carlingford Lough on Thursday night. Photograph: Anne Bruen

The fourth and final supermoon of 2022 will illuminate the skies over the course of the weekend with high visibility possible due to the good weather and clear skies.

Known as the sturgeon moon, this week’s full moon is a supermoon, larger and brighter than usual.

It was visible in Ireland overnight on Thursday and can be seen again on Friday and Saturday night.

Thursday was the best night to view it, with the moon rising at 9:34pm but on Friday it will rise just a few minutes later at 9:55pm. Saturday is nearly as good with the moon rising at 10:11pm.


Some stargazers were also able to spot Saturn floating through the sky on Thursday night. The planet is nearly at its brightest at this time of year and appeared above the moon on Thursday night into Friday morning.

During a supermoon, the moon is at a stage where it is closest to Earth, causing it to be 30 per cent brighter in the sky compared to when it is at its most distant. This typically lasts for between two to five full moons which is why it is visible for multiple nights in a row over the weekend.

“This is the fourth and final supermoon of 2022. If people in Ireland miss this one, they will have to wait until July next year, and, of course, we cannot guarantee the weather in July next year will be as good as what is forecast for this week,” chairman of Astronomy Ireland and Editor of Astronomy Ireland magazine, David Moore said in a statement on the website.

Astronomy Ireland magazine is asking people to send photos or written comments of their observations for publication in a special review of the event, see

Jade Wilson

Jade Wilson

Jade Wilson is a reporter for The Irish Times