One of Belfast’s youngest Lord Mayors has been confirmed in the position. Sinn Féin councillor Ryan Murphy (28) said it was a “huge honour” to take over the reins.
His party colleague Niall Ó Donnghaile was the city’s youngest First Citizen having taken on the position at the age of 25 in 2011.
Outgoing Lord Mayor Tina Black (Sinn Féin) placed the mayoral chain on Mr Murphy’s shoulders as she left the chair at City Hall on Monday evening.
Paying tribute to Ms Black, Mr Murphy said he had “big boots to fill”.
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“I’m very much of the belief that showing positive political leadership, building reconciliation, respect and prosperity in this society is a collective responsibility,” he said.
“As First Citizen of Beal Feirste, I’ll grasp that huge opportunity to demonstrate that positive leadership.
“We believe in the concept of Mayor for all. We believe that every citizen in this region has the right to have their voice heard, and their aspirations respected.”
“Workers and families right across Belfast at the minute face many challenges and there’s a big job ahead of us in continuing the transformation of this great city of ours for the better.”
Áine Groogan (Green Party) was also confirmed as Deputy Lord Mayor.
Ms Groogan is the first from her party to take on a mayoral position in Northern Ireland.
“I hope to do the whole green movement proud in the year ahead,” she said.
Sinn Féin reinforced its position as the largest party in the city council at the recent local government elections, where it won 22 out of 60 seats.