Vision Capital vs IRES REIT: trouble brewing at Ireland’s largest private landlord

Ciarán Hancock is joined by Vision Capital chief executive Jeffrey Olin

Listen | 33:13
The struggling share price of Ires Reit, the State’s largest private landlord, has prompted some shareholders to call for a change of board. Photographer: Nick Bradshaw

Next week the battle between listed property landlord IRES REIT and its 5% dissident shareholder Vision Capital will come to a head at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in Dublin.

IRES is the biggest private landlord in the state with more than 3,700 apartments. On the face of it IRES is performing well, however the share price has struggled and a government-imposed 2% annual cap on rents is a potential drag on the business.

Vision Capital owns 5% of IRES and is not happy with the way the company is being run. Jeff Olin is president, CEO and portfolio manager of Vision Capital and he joins the podcast this week to discuss his issues with IRES.

Produced by John Casey. JJ Vernon on sound.