Workplace flexibility

A chara, – It has been gratifying to see New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern this week encouraging employers to consider a four-day working week, which she suggests would provide a major boost for that country’s domestic tourism sector, which has experienced a major decline due to the Covid-19 lockdown.

Support for this idea has been growing in Ireland too in recent years, with several political parties – the Social Democrats, Labour, People Before Profit – coming out in favour, and trade union Forsa leading a campaign last year for its adoption.

With many industries having been suddenly thrown into a remote working experiment for their entire workforce as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, we are getting a better idea of the many positives (and some negatives) of flexible working arrangements.

While it won’t be the case across the board, anecdotally many employers have come to realise that this can be facilitated without taking a hit on productivity or revenue.


Among the many societal changes that this crisis has ushered in, workplace flexibility is one that workers cannot ignore.

Clever employers will embrace this opportunity for promoting a better work-life balance, and they’ll be the ones that have their pick of applicants for vacant positions. – Is mise,



Co Wicklow.