Whistleblowers and the health service

Sir, – The report that whistleblowers in the health service are likely to be punished for highlighting wrongdoing is extremely concerning ("Whistle-blowers in health sector most likely to be punished, report finds", News, December 9th).

Any organisation that wishes to improve should welcome criticism and use it as a learning opportunity. Irish health service management, however, appears to apply what can only be described as an “ostrich management” approach to failings.

The poor treatment of staff who flag concerns sadly continues to be matched by a “deny and delay” approach to failings of patients by Irish health service management.

The HSE has effectively used the civil courts process to abdicate any responsibility for failings.


Court settlements (often accompanied by gagging restrictions) are used to silence victims of medical negligence.

Victims who often require costly therapy as a result of health service errors have no choice but to comply with what amounts to bullying and intimidation by health service management.

The taxpayer foots the bill and HSE management is never asked to provide an explanation for failings.

Independent regulatory oversight of health service management within the HSE and the Department of Health is urgently required. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.