Walking on water

Sir, – Regarding the piece by Kevin O'Sullivan "'You will soon be able to walk across the Shannon in your shoes'" (News, July 17th), I once had a holiday job as a nipper in the yard of Mr Dinny Madden on Hyacinth Street, North Strand, Dublin. He ran a low-loader company called Garyowen Transport. He was also a par-time inventor. He invented his own overalls, which incorporated a leatherette apron and tool kit.

He claimed that he had walked across the Shannon in a special pair of shoes which floated and drove him forward.

When we junior members of staff asked to see proof, we were told we were cheeky and to get back to work. Mr Madden was not fully “up to speed” on the “respect to employees” side of management at that time.

I would love to know if there is any truth in his claim. If anyone out there remembers this, it would be great to recreate his feat (sorry). – Yours, etc,



Hanover Quay,

Dublin 2.