Vision of Social Democrats

Sir, – We are writing in relation to the editorial ("Social Democrats – fighting to be heard", January 26th).

Our party holds its second national conference this weekend – and we are pleased and proud of our progress as a movement which offers a strong social democratic vision for a fairer Ireland.

Our recent achievements include the Sláintecare blueprint for reform of the health service. This 10-year plan was produced by a cross party Oireachtas committee chaired by Róisín Shortall TD. The establishment of the committee itself arose from a Dáil motion initiated by the Social Democrats. We have detailed policies to tackle the homeless and housing crisis. Just last week, we introduced to the Dáil our Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2018 which was supported by Fianna Fáil, Labour, Sinn Féin and the Green Party. Our Alternative Budget 2018 is a fully costed national plan for a fair and responsible management of the economy. In addition to our party manifesto, we have produced numerous detailed policy papers which cover a diverse range of areas, including Northern Ireland, climate change, open government, an anti-corruption agency, child poverty, and empowering people with disabilities.

We will welcome hundreds of delegates to our second national conference in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin. At this gathering, the party will debate detailed policy motions from our growing network of branches, which we have established in 30 constituencies.


At the next general election we hope to field candidates in the majority of constituencies in the country – offering a real alternative for those who share our values of honest politics, a fair society and a strong economy. – Yours, etc,




The Social Democrats,

Leinster House, Dublin 2.