Vaccination programme

Sir, – I am in the cohort of those aged 60 to 69 (first vaccine received April 21st) and waiting for my second dose of Astra Zeneca and have not as yet received a date for this. What is the delay? Why, when my children are receiving their second vaccines of Pfizer this month, are we, at a vulnerable age, left waiting, especially with the new and more transmissible variants coming our way? – Yours, etc,





Sir, – I have received my second scheduled vaccination dose.

On the basis of what I have experienced, I believe this vaccination programme will come to be seen as one of the greatest public health successes in the history of the State.

Of course there have been some bumps along the way, and there may be more ahead. However, in the main we should be immensely proud of what has been a achieved by our Government, healthcare system, the Defence Forces, and most importantly the many volunteers who have given selflessly at this time. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.