Vaccination policy

Sir, – Prof Kingston Mills provided a timely article and I believe a debt of gratitude is due to him for this clear and knowledgeable presentation regarding the efficacy of vaccines ("Ireland's testing and vaccination policies must be reviewed urgently", Opinion & Analysis, June 24th).

It was particularly interesting in relation to the advantages of heterologous (mixed) vaccination, based on scientific data which has been available for some time. It is also interesting and perhaps significant that Canada and many European countries have already “followed the science” in this regard.

The option to provide a Pfizer vaccine for greater efficacy, rather than a second Astra Zeneca shot, is particularly relevant to older potentially vulnerable people in their 60s who may have a higher susceptibility to more transmissible variants, including the Delta variant which is already here.

It is unfortunate that more informed consideration was not given to “ future proofing” this older cohort to an optimum degree when the option was there. The “go to the back of the queue” attitude, as expressed by Government representatives in response to some genuine queries regarding using up the Astra Zeneca vaccines on those aged 60 to 69, was abruptly dismissive and disrespectful but also potentially unwise .


Would it not have made more sense to try with every means available, even including mixing vaccines as appropriate, to support the health of the over-60s and also thus avoid putting undue pressure on the frontline health services heading into the winter months in the event of another surge in the pandemic? – Yours , etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – “People in 60s fall behind vaccinated younger groups” (News, June 23rd).

Could it be that us sexagenarians are neither vulnerable nor valuable enough? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6.

Sir, – The 60 to 69 age group has every reason to feel disgruntled. We were sold a pup.

However, come the next election, we will have the right to choose. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.