Vacant sites levy

Sir,  – While we celebrate the €62 billion in income tax plus VAT haul for this year, Revenue is remiss in recovering only €350,000 out of over €12 million due on vacant sites. It’s not often I crack the whip, so to speak, on Revenue to pursue taxes, but excuses like failure to definitively establish ownership of properties and linkage of vacant sites to potential owners in care with health issues doesn’t pass muster in my book.

Surely, property tax returns can be promptly linked to these sites, many of which are in states of profound disrepair.

Also, Derelict Sites Register properties should be readily pursued for a commitment to improve, or be compulsory purchased. One year’s vacancy of occupation should trigger action. The Minister and local authorities, for a myriad of reasons, seems to be very slovenly in this regard.

– Yours, etc,




Cork city.