Trump’s immoral immigration policy

Sir, – Eric Conway thanks President Trump for making the world a safer and less volatile place (Letters, July 3rd).

While his assessment of Trump’s global influence is very questionable, he fails to mention Trump’s immoral immigration policy which has been exposed by his own Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (World News, July 4th). Its independent findings, based on inspections of five migrant holding centres along the Rio Grande in Texas, expose the inhumane treatment of Central American migrants where vulnerable people suffering from malnutrition and deprived of sanitary facilities are kept imprisoned in overcrowded cages into which I would be ashamed even to place animals.

These are people fleeing from violence, extreme poverty and lack of employment in an area proclaimed by past US presidents as “our backyard”.

On this July 4th celebration of American Independence when President Trump will be spending millions of dollars on a military parade and accompanying self-glorification in “a show of a lifetime”, hopefully Americans will not be blinded to his repudiation of American values as expressed in the words of Emma Lazarus on the plinth of the Statue of Liberty at Ellis Island . . . “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. – Yours, etc,



Malahide, Co Dublin.