Time to tackle scourge of illegal dumping

Sir, – The RTÉ Investigates exposé on the waste industry in Ireland on Monday night was excellent, although depressing to watch.

The sheer scale of illegal dumping brazenly carried out is just staggering. Many of these dumps are leaching toxins into the water table and are adjacent to tourist and heritage sites. This is scandalous.

What is even more staggering is that these companies are allowed to get away with it. The meagre fines imposed for non-compliance are a joke!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seems unable or unwilling to tackle this issue head on. When queried on inspections and compliance of these companies, their response was pathetic.


Waste is big business with lots of money involved, and the illegal dumpers are laughing all the way to the bank, while the clean-up operation is paid for by the taxpayer!

Until we see major fines, licence withdrawals, and closure of the companies that flagrantly flout the law, this shameful behaviour continues.

This has to change.

The Government and the local authorities need to sort this out now. Enforce the law and clean up this criminal behaviour. – Yours, etc



Co Meath.