Third-level 'feeder' schools

Madam, - Your editorial of December 20th, "More information needed on schools" states that "in the absence of any other information…

Madam, - Your editorial of December 20th, "More information needed on schools" states that "in the absence of any other information, half a loaf is better than no bread". I disagree. Half-stories are bad because they can mislead the reader.

The lists you refer to include only students applying to higher education institutions through the CAO. This means that they regularly miss the many students who enter courses of further education (FETAC accredited), students who train through apprenticeship and traineeship (FÁS accredited) and the many (particularly Border county) students who attend institutes of both higher and further education in Northern Ireland and Britain. I would like to assure parents that each of these paths might also provide their children with an opportunity to fulfil their academic potential.

Fortunately, parents in my county (where up to 35 per cent of students who attend higher education do so outside the Republic) know only too well to inspect the mouldy half of the loaf that you find so potentially appetising. - Is mise,



Guidance counsellor,

Comprehensive School,


Co Donegal.