Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn

Sir, – Kathy Sheridan's "May and Corbyn – two sides of the same coin" (Opinion & Analysis, June 21st) suggests Britain, like the US, is being run by an autocrat. Donald Trump might be one, but Theresa May?

Then she suggests Mrs May’s life would have been “seriously at risk” if she had met some survivors at the site of the Grenfell Tower disaster. Does the public’s peacefully expressed anger kill politicians now?

As for the terrorist threat to her life, how long would it have taken to vet half a dozen victims of the fire for her to talk to in private?

Your columnist seems to mix up the failings of Irish leaders with British ones when she talks about “someone who doesn’t feel the need to be a gas card, to have a quip for every lad up a ladder, or to have a pint with every voter”.


Finally she plumps for the canard that Jeremy Corbyn is merely a protest politician who is afraid of real power.

Well, for someone who doesn’t really want to be prime minister he ran a pretty damn fine, determined and incredibly hardworking election campaign, while under fierce attack from all sides, didn’t he? – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,

Dublin 7.