There’s a lot of good people out there

Sir, – The kindness of strangers is a constant wonder and delight to me. I have come through a year of cancer and chemotherapy and stem-cell treatment, and earlier this year my best friend of 42 years died from lung cancer.

The kindness and support I received from St Francis Hospice in Blanchardstown in Dublin during my friend’s illness and death, which support has continued to this day, has enabled me to put one foot in front of the other on a daily basis.

Recently I have had a few bouts of debilitating dizziness and vertigo in public places which placed me in vulnerable situations. On each occasion, I was met with kindness and practical support from people who are strangers to me.

There is so much anxiety in the environment these days, and in a city like Dublin most people are justifiably wary of becoming involved in anyone’s crisis. However, my experience has shown me that there is a depth of warmth and caring in so many people, especially those who work in retail. I want to thank all of the people who came to my rescue on various occasions over the past month or so.


Nobody enjoys becoming unwell in a public place, especially when they are alone. However, I have been lucky enough to have received practical support and true kindness from so many. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.