The spring statement

Sir, – In addition to the obvious concerns expressed by the ESRI, among others, on the perilous dangers of a fiscal expansion in an economy that is already the fastest growing in the EU, the presumption that payback to taxpayers and public servants are the only ways of “expanding the economy’” is alarming.

It suggests a lack of institutional learning from the debacle that followed 2007. The dominant policy mindset, which presumes that the Government runs the economy so that lobbyists and special interest groups should form an orderly queue at Government Buildings, is alive and kicking. – Yours, etc,


Senior Lecturer,


School of Economics,

University College Cork.

Sir, – What is it with this Government and other administrations that continually want to reduce taxes, and why is the Labour so avidly supportive of that?

Time and time again we hear Ibec and other business groups calling for more research and development by the State so that the country can be more intuitive in its job creation outlook.

We constantly hear about the lack of funding in our health services, community services, disability services – the list of needs is endless. This State cannot fund these projects unless it brings in tax and yet we constantly want to reduce our taxable income.

When can we have some common sense based on the practical needs on our people and put a stop to endless call for reduction in income tax? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 22.