The royal treatment

Sir, – I am sure that I am not the only subject of Queen Elizabeth II who is grateful to Jennifer O'Connell (Opinion & Analysis, February 19th) for instructing us that the "grown-up thing" to do is to have a conversation about the monarchy "and how it can be wound down when she's gone". It is especially welcome that your columnist has told us in advance what conclusion our conversation should reach.

I look forward to her future article in which she will offer similar directives to the peoples of monarchies such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Spain and Japan.

Are they not in as much need of her constitutional wisdom as we are?

I await also a contribution from a British writer on how the Irish presidency can be wound down in favour of a return to membership of the United Kingdom when Mr Higgins leaves what will become once more the Viceregal Lodge. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Surely the goings-on in the British royal family are of passing interest only, if even that, to those living on this side of the Irish Sea? – Yours, etc,


