The role of zoos

Sir, – Dublin Zoo remains the photo-opportunity to beat all photo-ops when it comes to the tiresome and never-ending popularity contest between the leaders of the political parties ("Close call for Taoiseach as Dublin Zoo welcomes visitors", News, April 26th).

There’ll be letters galore from fans of the zoo arriving in your inbox, outlining the “important educational role” and the “vital conservation role”’ of the zoo, but really these claims don’t add up to much when held up to what is essentially the entire raison d’être of the zoo – to attract as many paying visitors as possible to come and gawk at the animals in their respective prisons.

I’ll know the journey towards true respect for the rights of animals will be making progress when these silly and degrading political visits become toxic instead of what they continue to be today: a terrific photo-opportunity. – Yours, etc,





Co Roscommon.