The Minister and the waiting lists

Sir, – I was frustrated to hear that Minister for Health Simon Harris will look closely at HSE managers and expect them to measure up. Are these the same managers whose heads a previous minister for health, Leo Varadkar, threatened to roll? – Yours, etc,


Crossabeg, Co Wexford.

Sir, – I am surprised that HSE management has allowed the development of a backlog of about 9,000 pieces of aged and "at risk" critical equipment that need replacement (News, February 9th).


Leaving aside issues of patient risk, it is clear that the managers of every enterprise should, as a routine part of management, build in the costs of equipment replacement into the annual budget. Medical equipment apparently has a lifespan of 10 years, so 10 per cent of the equipment cost should be set aside in each year’s budget to allow for routine replacement.

The second aspect that disappoints me is that this information about outdated equipment was contained, according to your report, in a “confidential internal memo”. Surely a memo that might have huge ramifications for every patient of the HSE should neither be internal nor confidential?

Perhaps it is the HSE’s management rather than its equipment that is past its “best before” or “sell by” date. – Yours, etc,


Tankardstown, Co Meath.

Sir, – Simon Harris appears to be ignoring his own role as legally empowered overseer of the HSE to denigrate the performance of what is effectively his own organisation, while attempting to leave himself and his ministerial predecessors unscathed. Attempting to separate power and responsibility is one of the oldest political ploys, and the antithesis of good governance. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 15.