The coronavirus and public health

Sir, – The Chinese ambassador to Ireland, He Xiangdong, recently stated that the coronavirus "knows no borders" ("Chinese ambassador urges Ireland to take speedy decision on mass gatherings", News, March 4th).

Somebody should tell the authorities in Dublin Airport. Travelling through the airport last Tuesday, I was appalled to find that there were no hand sanitisers anywhere in the building. Unless all disembarking passengers wash their hands in the aircraft immediately prior to entering the airport, then the potential for the virus to uncontrollably enter Ireland is dangerously inevitable. Ensuring disembarking passengers use a hand sanitiser, a staple control measure in most airports, is a simple, cheap and very effective containment strategy.

Why is this basic contagion-control measure not available in Dublin Airport? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 15.

Sir, – As a concerned citizen, I am calling on the Government to cancel the St Patrick’s Day festivities to reduce possible transmission routes for Covid-19. The implications for the health of our nation are momentous and the loss of revenue from showcasing Ireland abroad must not be allowed influence or delay such an urgent decision. – Yours, etc,


